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Truth is, changes like these require A LOT of hard work. That’s why sometimes you need someone by your side to help you.

We have compiled a list of couples who decided to lose weight together to show that everything is easier when you’re not alone. Most importantly, you can forget about your sweat and snuggle right after a gym session – you both stink!

#1 Before, After Photos Of Tennessee Couple’s 538lb Weight Loss

Before, After Photos Of Tennessee Couple’s 538lb Weight Loss

#2 This Couple Refused To Walk Down The Aisle Until They Got In Shape, And 5 Years Later They Married

This Couple Refused To Walk Down The Aisle Until They Got In Shape, And 5 Years Later They Married

#3 This Couple Loses A Combined 133 Pounds For Their Wedding

This Couple Loses A Combined 133 Pounds For Their Wedding

#4 The Couple Have Been Named Slimmers Of The Year After Shedding A Total Of 22 Stone

The Couple Have Been Named Slimmers Of The Year After Shedding A Total Of 22 Stone

#5 Mark Fell From 21St And Six Pounds To 12St 6Lbs While His Wife Went From 15St And Two Pounds To 9St

Mark Fell From 21St And Six Pounds To 12St 6Lbs While His Wife Went From 15St And Two Pounds To 9St

#6 Extreme Weight Loss

Extreme Weight Loss

#7 This Couples Transformation Is More Than Inspiring

This Couples Transformation Is More Than Inspiring

#8 Me And My Friend Thought, Hey Lets Not Be Fat And Ugly Anymore

Me And My Friend Thought, Hey Lets Not Be Fat And Ugly Anymore

#9 This Couple Lost 500 Pounds In 2 Years!

This Couple Lost 500 Pounds In 2 Years!

#10 Couple Lose 187 Lbs Between Them Before Their Amazing Wedding

Couple Lose 187 Lbs Between Them Before Their Amazing Wedding

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