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The team from Papa Crazy was in for a terrible shock when one of their ghost pranks backfired. Two men dressed as ghosts in flowing white robes and scary makeup decided to scare a driver driving alone at night. The two ghosts cornered the poor guy from both sides.

Finding himself in a pickle, the driver panicked and ran over the ghost in the front. Steering the car in slow motion in a bid to escape, he left the scary ghost injured and shaking with fright!

Ghost prank gone wrong


Papa Crazy team wrote on YouTube: “Best prank gone wrong ever (BLOODY WRONG). Do not mess with this car driver .. CAR DRIVER KILLED THE SCARY GHOST .”

We wonder if he was an overworked MNC employee, an engineer maybe who was returning home after work. He sure left a clear message to the pranksters: you don’t mess with an Indian man returning home from work.


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