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There’s no doubt that Windows 8 was utter crap! It was clogged with unfathomable tiles, had no start menu and was simply, hard to get a hold of. Majority of Windows 8 users either whine about its complexity or just switch to Windows 7. But now, Microsoft has addressed the inconvenience caused with the launch of Windows 10. Yes, Windows 10, not 9 but 10! And Microsoft says that you would have to use it to understand that how much ahead of Windows 8 is Windows 10. Well then, let’s take a look!

1) Finally! The Start Menu Is Back

Windows 10: Here's A Look At The New Features

The absence of the ‘start menu’ in Windows 8 which left traditional Windows users clueless has finally been restored. It can be found where it used to be-bottom left corner on the desktop. But with the traditional things it carries, it also packs in the Windows desktop apps and Windows Store apps which were earlier displayed on the desktop as tiles. Also, you can add as many tiles as possible to the Start Menu, it’s actually limitless.

2) The Search Bar Will Now Also Search The Internet

Windows 10: Here's A Look At The New Features

With the Start Menu, comes back the Search bar as well. Along with searching for files and folders in your system, it will also search the web for your queries, thanks to Bing. The same bar can be found in the task bar as well.

3) Task View For Multitasking

Windows 10: Here’s A Look At The New Features

To implement powerful multitasking, Windows 10 packs in Task View. The new feature enables quick switching between apps and desktops. More apps and toggles can also be added by using alt+tab.

4) Resize Apps From Windows Store

Windows 10: Here’s A Look At The New Features

Yes, now you can resize apps from the Windows store which was not possible on the Windows 8. The apps can be moved around, minimized or maximized to the task bar. Also, dragging a Window to the top of the screen will maximize it and dragging it to a corner will minimize it to half of the display.

5) Continum

Windows 10: Here’s A Look At The New Features

Since Windows 10 works alike on all Windows devices, the Continum feature comes in very handy. Continum is primarily for those devices which work as a desktop and also as touchscreen tablets. The feature switches mode as soon as the keyboard is snapped off and vice-versa.

6) Snap

Snap allows Windows to be tilted horizontally and vertically. Using the new Snap Assist, you can snap windows into tiles or new screens.

The features seem to be quite interesting and it looks like Microsoft has taken a U-turn for a Windows 7 like interface. While it has kept intact some of the popular features of the Windows 8, Windows 10 look and feels more like the easy to use Windows 7. Windows 10 will be out in mid 2015.

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