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19-year-old Bengaluru-based design student, Priyanka Shah, recently posted an album called “Perspectives”.

19-year-old Bengaluru-based design student, Priyanka Shah, recently posted an album called "Perspectives".
Priyanka Shah

In the series, she asked her friend to model for her in public spaces to observe how people viewed women, and the kind of judgemental stares they’re subjected to.

In the series, she asked her friend to model for her in public spaces to observe how people viewed women, and the kind of judgemental stares they're subjected to.

Priyanka Shah

Priyanka Shah

“Being a girl, our clothes have always mattered so much. I really wanted to show people what kind of looks we get, how intimidating and horrifying they could be,” Shah told BuzzFeed.

"Being a girl, our clothes have always mattered so much. I really wanted to show people what kind of looks we get, how intimidating and horrifying they could be," Shah told BuzzFeed.

Priyanka Shah

Priyanka Shah

Shah asked her friend, Aishwarya, to wear what she felt most comfortable in — in this case, an oversized t-shirt and shorts — and shot her in public places such as parks and markets.

Shah asked her friend, Aishwarya, to wear what she felt most comfortable in — in this case, an oversized t-shirt and shorts — and shot her in public places such as parks and markets.

Priyanka Shah

Priyanka Shah

“We went to a market to shoot in Old Town at about 4 p.m. and just one outfit was enough to kill the atmosphere. People behaved rudely; it got quite dangerous and we were forced to leave.”

"We went to a market to shoot in Old Town at about 4 p.m. and just one outfit was enough to kill the atmosphere. People behaved rudely; it got quite dangerous and we were forced to leave."

Priyanka Shah

Priyanka Shah

“While shooting at the flower market, I went onto these stairs and most of the people couldn’t see me. However, they were all in my frame and a few men started taking selfies with my friend without her consent.”

"While shooting at the flower market, I went onto these stairs and most of the people couldn't see me. However, they were all in my frame and a few men started taking selfies with my friend without her consent."

Priyanka Shah

Priyanka Shah

“A lot of people who’ve probably been in such situations have told me that these images are so relatable,” she added.

"A lot of people who've probably been in such situations have told me that these images are so relatable," she added.

Priyanka Shah

You can follow Shah’s work on Facebook.

You can follow Shah's work on Facebook.

Priyanka Shah
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