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“Take a good look at me. This is what you can expect Tanya to look like in a few years,” cackled a colleague’s mother-in-law with glee at his wedding. He glanced over with a “save me now” expression on his face, but all I could do was shrug. Could it be true?

Daily Mail claims that it is, and they combined the faces of 5 mother-daughter pairs to prove it. The results are shocking. Despite what my friend would like to believe, it seems that his beloved will indeed come to resemble his mother in law – for better or for worse!

More info: dailymail.com (h/t: demilked)

Sara (62) and her daughter Clemmie (30)

Josie (48) and her daughter Jodie (24)

Rhonda (45) and her daughter Darcey (15)

Frances (83) and her daughter Tineka (57)

Esther (73) and her daughter Wendy (43)

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